I am a full time stay at home mom of 3 crazy and fun loving boys and wife to one crazy husband. I am originally from Arizona and visit often since all my family is there, but I currently reside in Utah. I love the 4 seasons, but DO NOT like the snow~! I am a part time crafter, sewer, internet lover, facebooker, reader, aerobics and zumba fanatic, chauffer, cook, maid...and much more! I started making these fabulous wipey cases back in 2009 and most of my business comes from referrals, which I LOVE! I love being able to stay at home with my kids as well as have a part-time from home job that I am passionate about and thoroughly enjoy! Making wipey cases also gives me the chance to make something girly...being surrounded by boys can be hard sometimes! ;) Overall, life is great!
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